STEP Institute is a research and training organisation that is developing innovative methods for people’s potential, to help them engage better in their environment and adjust to an ever-changing society. Their user-driven approach addresses professional competencies of employees and educators that are needed in the job market.  They implement workshops on design thinking, entrepreneurial competencies and green skills, they address topics like youth empowerment, emotional intelligence, growth mindset and AI.

TADA - ToekomstATELIERdelAvenir

TADA supports more than 2000 socially vulnerable teenagers through a network that intensively
coaches them during many years. Through their weekend schools  and their alumni network, TADA offers extra-scholarly activities that set the learning (-bar) high, while equally fostering the wellbeing of the child.


La Xixa Teatre is a non-profit organisation created in 2010, oriented towards the research, development and multiplication of theatrical tools and popular education as a means of social transformation. They are a multidisciplinary and multicultural group of collaborators trained in the field of social sciences, pedagogy, and art. They carry out workshops for diverse groups, training of trainers and artistic actions at local and international level.


Društvo IMPRO is a non-profit NGO organisation in national public interest in the field of youth and culture. It is the central organisation of improvisational theater in Slovenia, connecting the artistic practice and the field of pedagogical and applicative methods that derive from it. They are recognized as one of the most important organizations in the field of theatre cultural and artistic education for children and youth in Slovenia.


Redial is an innovative and forward-thinking voluntary and community sector organisation working in the field of social inclusion based in Dublin and working within different communities in Ireland. Their vision is to create inclusive learning communities which empower learners from every background to develop skills, overcome barriers to inclusion, and realize their potential.